the soundtrack of my life…

If you could…

Posted on: April 1, 2008

…quit your job without having to think about money, what would your dream career be?

I would either start a catering/event planning business OR open up a diner that was only open from 10pm to 3pm.  Either way, food and cooking would be the focus.

9 Responses to "If you could…"

If money wasn’t an issue, I’d go back to playing in orchestras and photography. I miss it.
Um…did you win the lottery or something?? lol

Coop — HA HA HA It’s all wishful thinking…plus the last few weeks I’ve been talking with friends about being happy and how people just go through the motions at jobs because they need the money.

lol thats funny I was thinking along these lines too for a dream career. too bad I can’t cook! lol I would start my own site. I would focus on everything that affects the black women. Pretty much an online magazine. I know other people do it already. I can just do it better lol

Maybe open a bakery? I’ve always wanted to do that.

Or be a model scout. I think that’d be really fun. LOL

Forget, thinking about it. I have decided it is time for me to pursue my dreams. I just hope I don’t end up in the streets.

Massage therapist part time, photographer.

I would live my dream of being a make-up artist.

I would blog! I remember an episode of Oprah where people with great jobs left to persue their dreams, even if it meant for no pay. Ever since, I started to realize how fulfilling a life doing something you loved for some pay would be opposed to lots of pay for something that you just enjoy. That makes you really have to sit and decide what is more important, doing what you love or having things that you love.

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Days of my Life

April 2008
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